Friday, September 10, 2010

Finding a way

Started out as a single mom with a little boy marrying a single dad with a little boy and girl and now we've grown into a family of 6 wow. Our oldest is a girl now 9 next come the oldest boy 6 then my oldest is 3 and the baby he is almost a year old. I got to school full time and my husband he works full time and taking a break from school this semester but he is also a full time student. Oh my gosh what where we thinking....... and how will we ever make it? I just have to think to myself one step at a time.
So my mother in law just came back from vacation and was telling my how my sister in law has got all her Christmas taken care of though giveaways she has entered and received. And I thought well it's worth a try with 4 kids and a new house I don't know where Christmas money will come from this year. So wish me luck....... I have entered over 40 giveaways in the last 3 or 4 days.
And I know there are many more just waiting out there for me.
I'm looking for a giveaway or some why to get my oldest a camera for Christmas she really wants on that can take a desent picture too. :) any suggestions let me know.